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Business Woman

Company Policies


Equal Opportunity Policy


TalentHub Workforce provides equal employment opportunities to all employees without regard to race, color, creed, religion, sex, marital status, national origin, ancestry, age, citizenship, disability, sexual orientation, or other protected status.


In accordance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, this policy governs all areas of employment at TalentHub Workforce, including recruiting, hiring, training assignments, promotions, compensation, benefits, discipline, and termination.


In addition, TalentHub Workforce does not discriminate against any temporary employee or applicant in placing assignments based on any protected status, does not invite or honor discriminatory job orders or requests by clients, and does not “code” applications or other documents to record the protected status of any applicant or employee.


Any employee who feels he or she has been discriminated against in violation of this Equal Employment Opportunity Policy, or who has observed such discrimination, should immediately report this matter to our office.


All employees should be aware that they can file a complaint without fear of retribution.


Prohibited Harassment


TalentHub Workforce does not tolerate the harassment of any employee by any other employee or manager for discriminatory reasons.


Verbal, visual, physical, or sexual harassment will not be tolerated in the work environment. Any employee or applicant who believes that he or she has been subjected to such objectionable conduct or who becomes aware of any such objectionable conduct by any employee, supervisor, manager, or customer are advised to contact their recruiter immediately, which will bring it to the attention of TalentHub leadership.


We will then take prompt investigatory, corrective, and preventive actions.


Any employee who engages in harassment will be subject to discipline, up to and including termination of employment.


Safety Guidelines


TalentHub Workforce is always concerned with safety and well-being. Temporary employees share a unique experience in that they may be assigned to many companies throughout the year.


Information, Awareness and Readiness are key ingredients that help to ensure that they are ready and prepared for any emergency.

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